Thursday, May 17, 2007

Thankful Thursday #6

This week's thankful list is centered on things I have (until recently) taken for granted.

1. I'm thankful for alarm clocks. For an explanation of why I am so thankful, please see my previous post.

2. I'm thankful for electricity. After a storm knocked out the power for six hours on Tuesday evening, I have a new-found appreciation. It takes a loss of electricity every now and then to remind me of how many things I use it for every day.

3. I'm thankful for the repair men who had the power up and running again in a matter of hours as opposed to days or weeks.

4. I'm thankful for candles. As a teacher, I get more candles in a given year than I could possibly use in a normal decade. I always have appreciated them for ambiance, but I sometimes tire of them. On Tuesday, though, I depended upon them to get through the evening.

5. I'm thankful that my car is a little one. This morning on the way to work, I had to pass a spot in the road where a semi had decided to park with it's nose sticking 3/4 of the way across the street. Thankfully, there was just enough room for my tiny little car to squeeze between the truck and the mailbox on the opposite side of the street.

6. I'm thankful that my tiny little car gets great gas mileage. (No explanation necessary on this one.)

7. I'm thankful for the Thursday reminder to count my blessings. Swing by Iris's place at Sting My Heart to read more lists of gratitude. It's always a blessing for me.


Melissa Lea said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog!! I love your list! I take those things for granted also!!

Lori said...

Living in Florida with hurricanes, I can relate to your thankful list. You don't realize what you take for granted or what you are thankful for until the "little things" are not there.

Great list.

on the Rock said...

Neat thankfuls:)

Pearls of Wisdom said...

I love your list. Thanks for sharing . May the Lord bless you this week and always.
In his endless love,

Angel Mama ( Pearls of Wisdom)

Denise said...

I enjoyed your thankful list.

eph2810 said...

You are right - we sometimes take our daily things, like electricity for granted. It is great to reminded that we should not take them for granted but be thankful for them.
I have a small car too and I enjoy the gas mileage I get.

Thank you for sharing your grateful heart with us this week.

Blessings to you and yours.

Anonymous said...


Thank you for posting on my site and I was equally as blessed by your list. I especially liked the "candle" one because I always wonder if teachers get too many candles. I try not to buy them anymore, but I'm glad you had some parents that did!!! :)


Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Just wanted to stop by and say thanks for visiting!! I dont think you have ever stopped by before so I am vry happy to have you. I love love love new visitors...You have a great TT!! We do take so much for granted here in the states until we lose them!! Have a great weekend. You are from my part of the world. I am from Illinois. we have lived here in Ga only for 6 years now. SAndy

Susanne said...

Thanks for stopping by my place. I totally hear you on taking things for granted. We need to take more time to count our blessings, that is why I LOVE Thankful Thursdays...really puts things in perspective for me. Have a blessed day!!!

Nise' said...

Thanks for sharing! You have one of the most important jobs!!